Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

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Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

The Right Approach: Good vs Bad Carbohydrates

The Right Approach - Carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet, but there's much discussion about the good and bad carbohydrates. So how do you know which is which? The answer is both simple — and complex.

good and bad carbohydrates
Carbohydrates and Your Diet: Good vs. Bad Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates, often referred to as “carbs,” are your body's primary energy source, and they're a crucial part of any healthy diet. Carbs should never be avoided, but it is important to understand that not all carbs are alike.

Carbohydrates can be either simple (nicknamed "bad") or complex (nicknamed "good") based on their chemical makeup and what your body does with them. Complex carbohydrates, like whole grains and legumes, contain longer chains of sugar molecules; these usually take more time for the body to break down and use. This, in turn, provides you with a more even amount of energy, according to Sandra Meyerowitz, MPH, RD, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition Works in Louisville, Ky.

Carbohydrates in the Diet: The Detail on Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are composed of simple-to-digest, basic sugars with little real value for your body. The higher in sugar and lower in fiber, the worse the carbohydrate is for you — remember those leading indicators when trying to figure out if a carbohydrate is good or bad.

Fruits and vegetables are actually simple carbohydrates — still composed of basic sugars, although they are drastically different from other foods in the category, like cookies and cakes. The fiber in fruits and vegetables changes the way that the body processes their sugars and slows down their digestion, making them a bit more like complex carbohydrates.

The most important simple carbohydrates to limit in your diet include:

  • Soda
  • Candy
  • Artificial syrups
  • Sugar
  • White rice, white bread, and white pasta
  • Potatoes (which are technically a complex carb, but act more like simple carbs in the body)
  • Pastries and desserts

Meyerowitz says that you can enjoy simple carbohydrates on occasion, you just don't want them to be your primary sources of carbs. And within the simple carb category, there are better choices — a baked potato, white rice, and regular pasta — than others — chips, cakes, pies, and cookies.

Carbohydrates in the Diet: The Detail on Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are considered "good" because of the longer series of sugars that make them up and take the body more time to break down. They generally have a lower glycemic load, which means that you will get lower amounts of sugars released at a more consistent rate — instead of peaks and valleys —to keep you going throughout the day.

Picking complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates is a matter of making some simple substitutions when it comes to your meals. "Have brown rice instead of white rice, have whole-wheat pasta instead of plain white pasta," says Meyerowitz.

To know if a packaged food is made of simple or complex carbohydrates, look at the label. "Read the box so you know what exactly you're getting. If the first ingredient is whole-wheat flour or whole-oat flower, it's likely going to be a complex carbohydrate,” says Meyerowitz. "And if there's fiber there, it's probably more complex in nature."

Carbohydrates in the Diet: The Glycemic Load Factor

Describing carbs as being either simple or complex is one way to classify them, but nutritionists and dietitians now use another concept to guide people in making decisions about the carbs they choose to eat.

The glycemic index of a food basically tells you how quickly and how high your blood sugar will rise after eating the carbohydrate contained in that food, as compared to eating pure sugar. Lower glycemic index foods are healthier for your body, and you will tend to feel full longer after eating them. Most, but not all, complex carbs fall into the low glycemic index category.

It is easy to find lists of food classified by their glycemic index. You can see the difference between the glycemic index of some simple and complex carbohydrates in these examples:

  • White rice, 64
  • Brown rice, 55
  • White spaghetti, 44
  • Whole wheat spaghetti, 37
  • Corn flakes, 81
  • 100 percent bran (whole grain) cereal, 38

To take this approach one step farther, you want to look at the glycemic load of a food. The glycemic load takes into account not only its glycemic index, but also the amount of carbohydrate in the food. A food can contain carbs that have a high glycemic index, but if there is only a tiny amount of that carb in the food, it won’t really have much of an impact. An example of a food with a high glycemic index but a low glycemic load is watermelon, which of course tastes sweet, but is mostly water.

The bottom line: Just be sensible about the carbs you choose. Skip low-nutrient dessert, consider the levels of sugar and fiber in carbs, and focus on healthy whole grains, fruits, and veggies to get the energy your body needs every day.


The Right Approach: Your Diet, Your Health

The Right Approach - We've all heard the old saying “you are what you eat.” And it's still true. If you stick to a healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals, your body reflects it. You feel healthy, energized, and just all-around great. However, people who limit their diet to junk foods will undoubtedly suffer the consequences of not giving their bodies what they need to thrive. The result is not only fatigue and low energy, but poor health as well. Understanding this clear connection between your health and your diet may spur you to make better dietary choices.

Woman with healthy diet
Your Diet and Your Health: What Your Body Needs

"Food is essential. People take it for granted, but we need nutrients," says Anne Wolf, RD, a researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. Wolf cites as one example the old days when sailors crossed the ocean for months without proper nutrition. As a result, they ended up with scurvy because of a lack of vitamin C from citrus fruits. Vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals are necessary to keep all the different parts of the body healthy and functioning — otherwise, we get sick.

Every little thing that you do happens because of the nutrients that you give your body. Says Wolf, "Food gives us the fuel to think and the energy to move our muscles. The micronutrients, the vitamins, the minerals are there so that our bodies can function. You need food not just to sustain health, but to feel better."

And the only way the body will get the many nutrients needed to stay healthy and function is by eating a wide variety of healthy foods.

Your Diet and Your Health: The Guidelines

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's food pyramid and the daily food recommendations were established after extensive research and continue to be updated as more is learned about the role of nutrition in good health. Their goal is to make sure that people understand all the different nutrients their bodies need to stay healthy.

Food went from being a necessity to simply function to being the key to enabling the body to be at its functional best, says Wolf. Research shows that the right nutrition optimizes health and that getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals can also lower disease risk.

Your Diet and Your Health: Poor Diet, Poor Health

Many foods have a huge impact on heart health. Research has long shown that fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in whole grains and low in saturated fats can help protect the body from heart disease and high blood pressure, while a diet high in saturated and trans fats without enough fruits and vegetables can actually cause those diseases.

Even small diet deficiencies can have an enormously negative impact on your health. The most common health problem due to a lack of nutrients in the United States is iron deficiency, says Wolf. Menstruating women and girls need plenty of iron in their diets to replace what they lose each month during their periods. Iron is also an essential nutrient for infants, children, and growing teens.

Another example is calcium, needed to keep bones strong and healthy, says Wolf. Without it, the body can develop osteoporosis, a health condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.

Eating a well-rounded and varied diet will go a long way toward making sure you have all the nutrients you need. Remember that our body uses everything we put into it, and what we give it determines how it's used — for good health, or for bad.


The Right Approach: A Diet for Better Energy

The Right Approach - Juggling the responsibilities of work, life, and family can cause too little sleep, too much stress, and too little time.

Yet even when you're at your busiest, you should never cut corners when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Your body needs food to function at its best and to fight the daily stress and fatigue of life.

Energy and Diet: How The Body Turns Food Into Fuel

Our energy comes from the foods we eat and the liquids we drink. The three main nutrients used for energy are carbohydrates, protein, and fats, with carbohydrates being the most important source. Your body can also use protein and fats for energy when carbs have been depleted. When you eat, your body breaks down nutrients into smaller components and absorbs them to use as fuel. This process is known as metabolism.

Carbohydrates come in two types, simple and complex, and both are converted to sugar (glucose). “The body breaks the sugar down in the blood and the blood cells use the glucose to provide energy,” says Melissa Rifkin, RD, a registered dietitian at the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, N.Y.

Energy and Diet: Best Foods for Sustained Energy

Complex carbohydrates such as high-fiber cereals, whole-grain breads and pastas, dried beans, and starchy vegetables are the best type of foods for prolonged energy because they are digested at a slow, consistent rate. “Complex carbohydrates contain fiber, which takes a longer time to digest in the body as it is absorbed slowly," says Rifkin. Complex carbs also stabilize your body’s sugar level, which in turn causes the pancreas to produce less insulin. This gives you a feeling of satiety and you are less hungry.”

Also important in a healthy, energy-producing diet is protein (preferably chicken, turkey, pork tenderloin, and fish), legumes (lentils and beans), and a moderate amount of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (avocados, seeds, nuts, and certain oils).

“Adequate fluids are also essential for sustaining energy,” says Suzanne Lugerner, RN, director of clinical nutrition at the Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. “Water is necessary for digestion, absorption, and the transport of nutrients for energy. Dehydration can cause a lack of energy. The average person needs to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.”

Energy and Diet: Foods to Avoid

Simple carbohydrates, on the other hand, should be limited. Ranging from candy and cookies to sugary beverages and juices, simple carbs are broken down and absorbed quickly by the body. They provide an initial burst of energy for 30 to 60 minutes, but are digested so quickly they can result in a slump afterward.

You should also avoid alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol is a depressant and can reduce your energy levels, while caffeine usually provides an initial two-hour energy burst, followed by a crash.

Energy and Diet: Scheduling Meals for Sustained Energy

“I always recommend three meals and three snacks a day and to never go over three to four hours without eating something,” says Tara Harwood, RD, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “If you become too hungry, this can cause you to overeat.”

Also, try to include something from each food group at every meal, remembering that foods high in fiber, protein, and fat take a longer time to digest.

Even if life is hectic, it’s important to make wise food choices that provide energy throughout the day. Your body will thank you.


The Right Approach: Diet and Diabetes

The Right Approach - For most people who don’t feel well, a visit to the doctor can diagnose and fix the problem. Simple, right?

But some diseases can be silent predators, offering few or no warning signs to alert you early on that help is needed. One such disease is diabetes.

Not only does diabetes affect almost 24 million people in the United States, but 25 percent don’t even know they have it.

What Is Diabetes?

As food is digested, it is broken down into glucose (also known as sugar), which provides energy and powers our cells. Insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas, moves the glucose from the blood to the cells. However, if there is not enough insulin or the insulin isn’t working properly, then the glucose stays in the blood and causes blood sugar levels to rise.

There are three main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 results from the pancreas no longer being able to make insulin and is usually found in children, teens, and young adults. Gestational diabetes can occur near the end of a woman’s pregnancy and usually disappears after the baby’s birth.

The most common form of diabetes is type 2. Risk factors include being overweight; not getting enough physical activity; having a parent or sibling with diabetes; being African-American, Asian-American, Latino, Native American, or Pacific Islander; being a woman who had gestational diabetes or gave birth to a baby who weighed more than nine pounds; having high blood pressure, having low HDL (good cholesterol) or high triglycerides; and having pre-diabetes.

Diabetes: Why Is It Dangerous?

“When poorly controlled diabetes causes blood glucose levels that are too high or too low, you may not feel well,” explains Claudia L. Morrison, RD, outpatient diabetes program coordinator at Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. “Diabetes that is poorly controlled over time can lead to complications that affect the body from head to toe.” Issues can occur with everything from one’s eyes, kidneys, and nerves to reproductive organs, blood vessels, and gums. But the most serious problems are heart disease and risk of stroke.

Diabetes: What Role Does Diet Play?

“Food can either promote diabetes or help prevent it, depending on how it affects the body’s ability to process glucose,” says Elizabeth Ricanati, MD, medical director of the Cleveland Clinic’s Lifestyle 180 Program in Cleveland. “People should avoid foods that increase blood sugar and those that raise cholesterol, such as processed foods, foods high in saturated fats or with trans fats, and foods with added sugars and syrups.”

Processed foods as well as items high in fat or sugar not only can disrupt the balance between glucose and insulin, resulting in inflammation, but can also contribute to risk factors such as being overweight.

Carbs, too, need to be watched. While they are necessary to fuel the body, some carbohydrates raise blood glucose levels more than others. “The glycemic index (GI) measures how a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose,” says Morrison. “Foods are ranked based on how they compare to a reference food such as white bread. Dry beans and legumes, all non-starchy vegetables, and many whole-grain breads and cereals all have a low GI.”

Diabetes: What Is a Healthy Diet?

A healthy diet for diabetes is virtually the same as a healthy diet for anyone. Eat reasonably sized portions to avoid gaining weight, and include fruits and vegetables (limit juice to no more than eight ounces a day); whole grains rather than processed ones; fish and lean cuts of meat; beans and legumes; and liquid oils. Limit saturated fats and high-calorie snacks and desserts like chips, cake, and ice cream, and stay away from trans fats altogether.

Thirty minutes of exercise most days of the week and losing 5 to 10 percent of body weight, if a person is overweight, are also crucial in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Finally, anyone experiencing frequent urination, extreme thirst or hunger, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, blurry vision, or frequent infections should see a doctor for a blood test to check for diabetes. With careful attention and healthy lifestyle choices, diabetes can be kept under control. 


Solusi Obesitas: Latih Usus Kenali Rasa

Tips Diet Sehat - Obesitas merupakan masalah yang cukup menjadi momok yang menakutkan bagi sebagian besar orang, bukan hanya mempengaruhi penampilan saja, obesitas juga dapat memicu berbagai penyakit.

Tips mengatasi obesitas
Obesitas adalah kelebihan berat badan sebagai akibat dari penimbunan lemak tubuh yang berlebihan. Seseorang yang memiliki berat badan 20% lebih tinggi dari nilai tengah kisaran berat badannya yang normal dianggap mengalami obesitas. Obesitas digolongkan menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu:
  1. Obesitas ringan : kelebihan berat badan 20-40%
  2. Obesitas sedang : kelebihan berat badan 41-100%
  3. Obesitas berat : kelebihan berat badan >100% (Obesitas berat ditemukan sebanyak 5% dari antara orang-orang yang gemuk).

Baru-baru ini ada penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa obesitas mungkin dapat dicegah dan diobati dengan menjadikan reseptor rasa di usus sebagai target pengobatan. Ternyata usus juga memiliki selera terhadap makanan dan mampu membedakan rasa pahit, manis, gurih atau berlemak dengan menggunakan mekanisme sinyal yang sama seperti lidah. Mekanisme tersebut kemudian melepaskan hormon untuk mengontrol rasa kenyang dan kadar gula darah ketika makanan mencapai usus.

Sensor atau reseptor di perut tersebut juga dapat menanggapi asupan makanan yang berlebihan. Kerusakan pada sensor tersebut mungkin juga memainkan peran dalam kasus obesitas, diabetes, dan kondisi metabolik terkait.

Dr Sara Janssen dan Dr Inge Depoortere, dari Translational Research Center for Gastrointestinal Disorders di Catholic University of Leuven, Belgia melakukan studi untuk mempelajari apakah hal ini dapat dijadikan senjata baru melawan obesitas.

Hasil studi semakin menunjukkan lebih banyak bukti bahwa obesitas dan kondisi terkait dapat dicegah atau diobati dengan cara mengoptimalkan fungsi reseptor rasa pada sel-sel di usus. Sehingga usus dapat melepaskan hormon yang memberi sinyal perasaan kenyang dengan baik.

Peneliti berpendapat bahwa obat pelangsing di masa datang perlu meniru efek fisiologis dari makanan yang dapat mengelabuhi reseptor rasa pada usus, membuat seseorang merasa kenyang, dan terhindar dari perilaku makan berlebihan.

"Operasi bariatrik memang mampu menurunkan berat badan dan mengurangi risiko diabetes, tetapi mungkin dapat melibatkan perubahan dalam pelepasan hormon usus. Tetapi cara terbaru yang mempengaruhi pelepasan hormon usus ini mampu mengontrol asupan makanan dengan cara non bedah yang lebih aman," kata Dr. Depoortere.

Peneliti menyatakan bahwa masih diperlukan penelitian tambahan untuk menunjukkan reseptor usus mana yang lebih peka terhadap rasa dan mungkin dapat menjadi target obat, sehingga efektif dalam mencegah dan mengobati obesitas dan diabetes.

Hasil penelitian ini dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, seperti dilansir health24, Kamis (27/12). 

(Source: Wikipedia, detikHealth)

Baca Juga:

Tips Diet Sehat - Diet 30 Hari dengan Oatmeal

Tips Diet Sehat - Mungkin Anda sudah sering mendengar manfaat oatmeal bagi kesehatan, bahkan belakangan ini banyak praktisi medis dan ahli gizi mendorong pasien diabetes dan jantung untuk mengonsumsi oatmeal, terutama karena khasiatnya dalam membantu menjaga kadar kolesterol dan gula darah tetap normal. 

Manfaat oatmeal bagi kesehatan
Selain itu oatmeal juga dapat mengurangi kolesterol, mempertahankan gula darah, menyehatkan jantung, baik untuk penderita diabetes, mencegah kanker usus, serta obesitas.

Oatmeal juga dapat membantu proses kecantikan dan diet karena kandungan serat larut yang terdapat dalam oatmeal memainkan peranan penting dalam membuat tubuh merasa kenyang dalam jangka waktu lama. 

So, berikut ini persiapan sebelum memulai tips diet sehat dengan menggunakan oatmeal:

Untuk memaksimalkan manfaat oatmeal, Anda perlu memperhatikan cara menyiapkan oatmeal berikut ini: Untuk sarapan, siapkanlah setengah cangkir oatmeal dan satu cangkir susu tanpa lemak. Kemudian rebuslah susu susu tanpa lemak dan oatmeal selama satu menit diatas api sedang. Jika Anda memiliki microwave, Anda bisa memasaknya di dalam microwave selama satu setengah menit.

Anda bisa mengkombinasikan dengan blueberry dan raspberry agar kandungan antioksidan dalam oatmeal Anda maksimal. Jika Anda ingin mendapat kandungan protein, cukup tambahkan telur rebus.
Menerapkan oatmeal untuk diet selama 30 hari.

Diet 30 Hari dengan Oatmeal

Tujuh hari pertama

Seperti dilansir, pada tujuh hari pertama disarankan untuk terus mengkonsumsi setengah cangkir oatmeal untuk setiap makan. Konsumsi bersama susu rendah lemak dan pastikan konsumsi kalori Anda setiap hari adalah 900 hingga 1200 kalori per hari.

23 Hari kedepan

Setelah Anda menyelesaikan diet di tujuh hari pertama, Anda disarankan untuk meneruskan hingga 23 hari kedepan dengan menyantap setidaknya setengah cangkir oatmeal. Sedangkan untuk oatmeal instan, tetap pastikan kadar lemak dan gula kurang dari 60 persen dari jumlah total makanan. Dalam tahap ini, jaga kalori Anda antara 1000 hingga 1300 kalori.

Selipkan camilan sehat di setiap jadwal tiga kali makan oatmeal Anda. Stroberi, blueberry, pisang, apel, jeruk,serta anggur merupakan makanan ringan sehat yang amat mendukung program diet sehat Anda. Sebaliknya, hindari melon serta sayuran yang bertepung tinggi seperti kentang.

Latihan selama 30 menit selama tiga kali seminggu. Untuk olahraga terbaik, Anda bisa melihat pada 20 olahraga untuk menurunkan berat badan. Untuk asupan cairan, terapkan 8 gelas per hari sehingga metabolisme Anda berjalan lancar.

Lakukan konsep diet ini selama 30 hari, dan setelah itu, Anda bisa perlahan-lahan mengurangi oatmeal. Terapkan satu kali makan oatmeal dan mulai perkenalkan tubuh Anda dengan daging rendah lemak. Namun, pastikan bahwa sayuran dan buah tetap menjadi pilihan diet Anda.

Agar Anda lebih mengenali oatmeal, berikut beberapa manfaat oatmeal:

- Menurut peneliti, serat larut (beta-glukan) dan avenanthramides (antioksidan) dalam oatmeal mengurangi kolesterol jahat (LDL). Sebagaimana diketahui, kolesterol jahat meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung atau penyumbatan. Dengan mengonsumsi oatmeal secara teratur, Anda mengurangi kemungkinan menyimpan kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh.

- Oatmeal dapat mengontrol kadar gula darah dan merupakan sarapan ideal untuk penderita diabetes. The American Diabetes Association merekomendasikan pasien diabetes untuk memiliki biji-bijian, terutama gandum untuk mengontrol kadar glukosa mereka.

- Tekanan darah dapat sangat dikontrol dengan mengonsumsi havermut secara teratur. Havermut pun dapat mengendalikan stres dan tekanan darah. Serat larut dalam satu porsi oatmeal lebih banyak bila dibandingkan dengan beras, gandum, atau jagung.

- Fitokimia, magnesium, dan serat larut berkemampuan melawan kanker. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut dapat melawan sifat asam pada empedu yang bermanfaat mengurangi racun dari tubuh.

- Salah satu manfaat kesehatan dari oatmeal ialah mudah dicerna. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya serat larut di dalamnya.

(Berbagai sumber)

The Right Approach: Healthy Snack Combos

The Right Approach - Trying to lose weight or wanting to follow a healthier lifestyle? Then snacking is the way to go.

Let no more than three hours pass between meals or snacks. This way, you'll ensure a constant supply of glucose to your body's cells. More energy and less cravings for sugary and fatty foods will be the positive spin-off.

A few healthy snack ideas include:

1. A slice of rye kernel bread with peanut butter and honey
You've heard of the glycaemic index (GI), right? This nutrition buzzword refers to the effect of carbohydrate foods on blood-sugar levels. Foods with a low GI ensure a slow release of energy; foods with a high GI release energy fast. For stabilising blood-sugar levels, a diet rich in low-GI foods is recommended.

Rye kernel bread is suggested here because it has a much lower GI than white or brown bread, for example. To lower the GI of this snack even further, you can add peanut butter, thinly spread on the bread. Both the fat and the protein in the peanut butter will slow down the digestion of the carbohydrate in the bread.

A small amount of honey, which is a source of fructose, can be added to make the snack more palatable. Research has shown that small to moderate amounts of dietary fructose can promote better blood-sugar control. This is also because fructose has a lower GI compared to many other carbohydrates, including sucrose (table sugar).

Apart from the GI considerations, peanut butter contains the phytochemical resveratrol, which has been linked to a significant decrease in heart disease. Peanut butter also has anti-cancer effects and can lower cholesterol levels if it's eaten instead of other high-fat foods.

2. Provitas topped with avocado pear, tomato, black pepper and herbs
Wholewheat Provitas are a good source of fibre, which is not only necessary for regular bowel movements but is essential for regulating glucose release into the bloodstream. These crackers are also relatively low in fat and a good source of several important vitamins and minerals. It makes for the perfect no-mess-no-fuss, on-the-run snack.

While several toppings could make a cracker both healthy and tasty, we recommend avocado and tomato. Research has shown that avos can cut cholesterol. This fruit also has antioxidant abilities, making it an excellent cancer fighter, and it contains vitamins E, C and B6, as well as potassium and omega-3 fatty acid.

Tomatoes can be coined a "super food", particularly because of its high lycopene content. Lycopene is a very powerful free radical scavenger. Free radicals wreak havoc in the body and have been linked to cancer and other chronic diseases. Tomatoes are also a good source of vitamin C and E.

A pinch of salt will probably do no harm – except if you suffer from high blood pressure or kidney problems. However, a generous sprinkling of black pepper and/or herbs is a healthier option. It's believed that black pepper aids the digestive process, while herbs are also a good source of antioxidants.

3. Vegetable bites (e.g. carrot sticks, celery sticks, baby tomatoes) with a humus or cottage-cheese dip
Veggies have so many benefits that it's hard to know where to start. Let's just focus on the veggies recommended here (although any other combinations will do the trick too).

Carrots have an extremely high beta-carotene content and have many health benefits, including giving protection against heart disease and several cancers, notably lung cancer. Carrots can also lower blood cholesterol and help guard against food poisoning.

Celery is a good source of potassium. It has a diuretic effect, can help control blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory effects.

As mentioned above, tomatoes have strong anti-cancer properties and are a good source of vitamins C and E. All vegetables also aid digestion as they're generally rich in fibre.

Unfortunately, veggies generally have quite a high GI. That's why it's not only more interesting to combine your favorite vegetable bites with a dip like humus or cottage cheese, but also important in terms of blood-sugar control. The chickpeas from which the humus is made, as well as the milk that forms the basis of the cottage cheese, are slow-releasing, low-GI foods. By using one of these dips, you'll lower the GI of your entire meal/snack.

4. Fruit salad with low-fat, plain yoghurt, sprinkled with a nut-and-seed mix and topped with a dollop of honey
Choose any of your favourite fruits (in season, of course) and combine them in a delicious fruit salad – the more colour, the better. Many of the good properties of fruit are locked up in the colour pigment. And different colours have different benefits. So, go wild!

Yoghurt has several benefits. Besides the obvious calcium injection that it'll give you, this tasty snack is also a source of probiotics. Probiotics are non-disease-causing microorganisms that play a positive role in immune regulation, the absorption of nutrients, and the treatment of diarrhoea. Go for the low-fat or fat-free options and choose a plain, Bulgarian yogurt if you're planning to add honey to your snack.

The nut-and-seed mix will add crunch to your fruit salad. The bonus is that nuts and seeds are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats. Nuts and seeds are also a source of protein (along with the protein in the yoghurt, it will lower the GI of your salad), as well as countless vitamins, minerals and fibre. Add no more than a tablespoon if you need to watch your weight.

For a final touch, add a dollop of honey, and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, slow energy-releasing meal.

(Carine Visagie, Health24, updated November 2010)

The Right Approach: The Skinny on Snacks

The Right Approach - First, they told us snacking would lead to weight gain. Then they told us it would help us lose weight. So, what's the deal really?

The deal is that both are true, or not true, depending on the individual. The key is to find out which approach works for you.

The skinny on snacks
A research study conducted by David Levitsky of Cornell University found that some people who snacked in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon felt hungrier at lunch and dinner. Although they didn't eat more at these meals, their total number of daily kilojoules was higher because of the snacks.

Read more about healthy snacks right here.

Other studies say snacking can lead to eating less food at regular meals. One study of overweight men found that those who ate a little bit every hour consumed 27% fewer kilojoules at lunch. And studies from the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society show that eating more frequently helps control appetite, preventing us from overeating at meals.

Research also suggests that snacking when you're not hungry has little effect on your appetite at a later meal. The urge to snack can stem not from hunger but from pure impulse, stress, boredom or the influence of others. Recognising these types of urges may help people make wiser decisions about snacking.

Experts in behaviour change say that, although most impulses pass on their own within a short time, emotions like stress and frustration should be addressed, but in appropriate ways that don’t rely on food.

Control your portions
Another consideration about snacks relates to portion size. The American Institute for Cancer Research emphasises that eating too much, even wholesome foods, isn't healthy. Snacking directly from a package, for example, often leads people to unintentionally eat the entire contents.

Helpful strategies include ordering a small serving when eating out and, at home, portioning out one handful of a snack onto a plate or napkin rather than eating directly from a package.

Choice of food is also important.

Fruits and vegetables make excellent snacks, especially since their proportion of nutrients to kilojoules is usually good.

Further research may bring us a clearer answer about whether snacking helps or hinders weight control. Perhaps looking for one simple answer is expecting too much. People whose meals aren’t spaced too far apart may want to see what happens if they limit themselves to only water between meals. Others may prefer to snack, but focus on making wise choices about what and how much to eat.

(Updated by Carine Visagie, July 2011 -

Jenis Makanan dan Minuman untuk Pemulih Stamina

Tips diet sehat -  Saat Anda berolahraga secara berlebihan (overtraining) maka hal tersebut dapat berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan Anda. So, saat tubuh Anda didera kelelahan maka Anda harus mengistirahatkan tubuh Anda dan mengkonsumsi makanan atau minuman yang dapat membantu memulihkan stamina Anda.

Makanan pemulih stamina

Seperti dilansir, berikut ada 3 jenis makanan dan minuman yang sangat baik untuk memulihkan stamina Anda setelah berolahraga atau beraktivitas berat:

1. Daging

Kelelahan menyebabkan kalori Anda berkurang secara signifikan. Nah, untuk memulihkannya, daging sapi dan ayam amat diperlukan. Namun ingat, bahwa konsumsi kedua jenis daging tersebut jangan berlebihan. Kalau Anda tidak ingin mengambil resiko konsumsi daging, telur bisa menjadi alternatif. Karena yang diperlukan adalah protein untuk membantu memulihkan kondisi otot.

2. Buah dan sayuran

Ketika lelah akibat olahraga dan aktivitas fisik berjam-jam, Anda tidak hanya kekurangan kalori. Namun, semua itu berarti bahwa tubuh tidak mendapatkan cukup vitamin, dan mineral. Dalam menebus kurangan tersebut, buah dan sayuran sangat diperlukan untuk membantu pemulihan tubuh. Vitamin membantu tubuh untuk memecah karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein yang membuat tubuh pulih lebih cepat dan siap untuk level latihan selanjutnya.

3. Susu

Susu membantu Anda dalam menguatkan otot tubuh. Di dalam secangkir susu, ada 16% asupan protein harian yang bisa memperbaiki dan membangun otot Anda. Sehingga, dengan mengkonsumsi susu secara rutin, pembentukan jaringan otot Anda akan lebih baik lagi. Juga, ada sebuah penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa susu mampu memulihkan energi sehingga digunakan oleh para atlet. Namun ingatlah bahwa susu yang Anda konsumsi adalah susu kaya protein dan rendah lemak. Konsumsi protein dan hindari lemak!

Tiga tips makanan untuk diet tersebut, bertujuan memulihkan kondisi otot dan tubuh secara keseluruhan akibat kelelahan setelah latihan. Disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi makanan tersebut secara teratur setelah berolahraga atau beraktivitas berat.

Tetapi, perlu Anda perhatikan bahwa tujuan mengkonsumsi makanan tersebut adalah mendapatkan protein, vitamin, dan mineral. Jadi, tetaplah berfokus pada tiga hal tersebut, tentunya dengan sedikit lemak.

Baca juga artikel diet berikut ini:
  1. Jurus Ampuh! Turunkan Berat Badan dengan Jus Kentang
  2. Camilan Aman buat Malam
  3. Agar Salad Lebih Efektif untuk Diet
  4. Ini Dia Tips Diet Sehat yang Asyik!
  5. Melipat Pakaian Juga Bisa Turunkan Berat Badan

Jenis-jenis Jus yang Baik untuk Diet

Tips Diet Sehat - Jus, minuman yang baik untuk kesehatan ini ternyata dapat menurunkan berat badan juga lho. 

Namun tidak semua jenis jus mampu menurunkan berat badan, ada beberapa jenis jus yang telah mendapat rekomendasi sebagai minuman pembakar lemak.

Jus yang baik untuk diet

Seperti dilansir, ada sembilan jenis jus yang mampu membantu Anda dalam menurunkan berat badan:

  • Jus Wortel
Memiliki kadar kasium  tinggi, kalium, serta magnesium yang amat berguna bagi kelangsungan tulang dan tubuh secara keseuruhan. Salah satu jus untuk menurunkan berat badan ini juga mengandung karoten yang membantu tubuh anda tetap sehat. Ternyata, jus ini tidak hanya berkontribusi besar-bearan terhadap kesehatan mata, namun juga kaya akan kandungan antioksidan yang membantu memerangi penyakit kanker.

  • Jus Bit
Mengandung kalium, zat besi, vitamin C, serta magnesium. Mempunyai efek yang baik dalam pengembangan dan penciptaan se darah merah di dalam tubuh. Selain itu, jus untuk menurunkan berat badan ini juga membantu pasien yang memiliki amnesia, menderita menopause, dan cocok untuk mencegah kerusakan akibat menstruasi.

  • Jus Cranberry
Mengandung kadar vitamin C yang tinggi. Terkenal karena manfaatnya yang membantu banyak wanita dalam menghindari infeksi di saluran kandung kemih. Jus cranberry mencegah adanya bakteri E.coli yang telah dibuktikan sebagai penyebab utama infeksi saluran kemih. Anda dapat mengkombinasikan cranberry dengan pisang sebagai bentuk nutrisi sempurna yang berasal dari vitamin serta protein.

  • Jus Pir
Jus pir haruslah anda miliki sebagai bentuk gaya hidup sehat. Tidak hanya kaya akan kalsium dan vitamin C, namun lebih jauh, jus untuk menurunkan berat badan ini juga bermanfaat karena kandungan kalium, magnesium, dan fosfor.

  • Jus Anggur
Jus anggur berwarna ungu sangat berguna untuk melndungi sel-sel otak anda. pengkonsumsian jus anggur dalam konsistensi yang baik bisa membantu dalam meningkatkan kapasitas memori dan efektif dalam melawan berbagai penyakit.

  • Jus Jeruk
Jus yang berasal dari buah citrus ini memang merupakan salah satu makanan diet terkuat yang bisa membuat anda mengalami penurunan berat badan yang cukup signifikan. Kaya akan antioksidan dan berguna untuk meningkatkan fungsi pencernaan. dengan mengolahnya menjadi minuman, maka anda akan mendapatkan rasa yang nikmat serta manfaat nyata dari vitamin C serta flavonoid.

  • Jus Mangga
Memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi untuk mencegah kanker. Ini adalah jus tertentu yang berperan dalam pembersihan darah dan bermanfaat bagi ginjal. pengkonsumsian jus mangga juga dapat dikombinasikan dengan buah kiwi serta pisang.

  • Jus Blueberry
Dijadikan sebagai salah satu minuman yang amat berkontribusi dalam diet. Kadar vitamin C yang tinggi membuat jus ini hadir dengan antioksidan yang berguna dalam menanggulangi radikal bebas. Blueberry dikenal memiliki kalori yang sangat rendah sehingga menjaga berat badan ideal anda.

  • Jus Delima
Jika menginginkan jantung yang sehat, maka jus untuk menurunkan berat badan ini merupakan minuman yang harus anda konsumsi. Dianjurkan oleh banyak pakar kesehatan dan kandungan antioksidannya mampu mencegah anda dari berbagai jenis kanker.

Semua jus diatas merupakan minuman rendah kalori yang sangat cocok untuk program diet. Minumlah jus-jus tersebut secara teratur dan rasakan manfaatnya. 

Baca juga artikel diet berikut ini:
  1. Jurus Ampuh! Turunkan Berat Badan dengan Jus Kentang
  2. Diet dengan Menggunakan Lemon? Simak Yuk!
  3. Agar Salad Lebih Efektif untuk Diet
  4. Ini Dia Tips Diet Sehat yang Asyik!
  5. Melipat Pakaian Juga Bisa Turunkan Berat Badan

Diet dengan Menggunakan Lemon? Simak Yuk!

Tips Diet Sehat - Pernahkah Anda mendengar diet lemon sebelmnya? Diet lemon memang terdengar asing di telinga masyarakat Indonesia, namun lemon dipercaya ampuh dalam menurunkan berat badan dengan metode pembersihan atau detoksifikasi tubuh.

tips diet deengan lemon
Seperti dilansir, para ahli gizi banyak profesional dan ahli gizi menyatakan bahwa lemon mengandung semua elemen yang diperlukan yang memecah lemak dan karena itu mereka memfasilitasi penurunan berat badan. asam sitrat yang ada di dalam lemon dapat membantu Anda untuk membakar lemak, mempercepat metabolisme, dan menekan nafsu makan. selain itu, kulit lemon juga mengandung pektin yang membantu mengatur kadar gula darah. Juga, di dalam satu buah lemon ada banyak vitamin C yang memperkuat kekebalan tubuh, dan merupakan faktor penting yang mensukseskan Anda dalam diet.

Secara keseluruhan, lemon baik bukan untuk diet? Buah citrus ini dapat menghilangkan racun, meningkatkan metabolisme, mencegah berbagai penyakit, dan membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan.

Diet lemon biasanya terprogram selama 14 hari, selama melakukan program ini hal terpenting yang harus Anda lakukan Adalah membatasi pengkonsumsian garam, gula, junk food, dan makan berlebihan. Program diet lemon sangatlah sederhana, Anda hanya diharuskan untuk mengkosumsi jus lemon dicampur dengan air pada pagi hari tepatnya sebelum sarapan. Untuk menghindari kerusakan gigi akibat asam sitrat, Anda diharuskan untuk berkumur menggunakan air putih.

Berikut rincian program diet lemon:
  • Hari 1.  Jus dari 1 lemon dicampur dengan 1 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 2.  Jus dari 2 lemon dicampur dengan 2 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 3.  Jus dari 3 lemon dicampur dengan 3 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 4.  Jus dari 4 lemon dicampur dengan 4 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 5.  Jus dari 5 lemon dicampur dengan 5 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 6.  Jus dari 6 lemon dicampur dengan 6 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 7.  Jus dari 3 lemon dicampur dengan 10 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 8.  Jus dari 6 lemon dicampur dengan 6 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 9.  Jus dari 5 lemon dicampur dengan 5 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 10.  Jus dari 4 lemon dicampur dengan 4 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 11.  Jus dari 3 lemon dicampur dengan 3 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 12.  Jus dari 2 lemon dicampur dengan 2 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 13.  Jus dari 1 lemon dicampur dengan 1 gelas air putih.
  • Hari 14.  Jus dari 3 lemon dicampur dengan 10 gelas air putih.

Untuk memberikan rasa manis, Anda bisa menambahkan satu sendok madu. Selain itu, ketika mendapatkan resep lebih dari satu gelas air putih, maka silakan mengkosumsinya dengan dicicil. Artinya anda bisa mengkonsumsi air putih tersebut sepanjang hari.

Jika Anda memiliki penyakit magh dan pencernaan, diet lemon sangat tidak dianjurkan karena akan memberikan reaksi terhadap penyakit Anda. Selamat mencoba!

Baca juga artikel diet berikut ini:
  1. Jurus Ampuh! Turunkan Berat Badan dengan Jus Kentang
  2. Camilan Aman buat Malam
  3. Agar Salad Lebih Efektif untuk Diet
  4. Ini Dia Tips Diet Sehat yang Asyik!
  5. Melipat Pakaian Juga Bisa Turunkan Berat Badan

Inilah Jenis-jenis Diet Berbahaya

Tips Diet Sehat - Ada berbagai program diet yang bisa dilakukan untuk menurunkan berat badan, namun tidak semua program diet tersebut berdampak baik bagi kesehatan.

Diet Berbahaya

Diet yang salah akan sangat beresiko bagi kesehatan, seperti dilansir Daily Mail, Jumat (23/11), berikut beberapa jenis diet yang berbahaya dan disarankan untuk tidak diikuti:

1. Dukan Diet
Diet jenis ini diawali dengan menghindari karbohidrat selama 10 hari dan hanya diperbolehkan mengkonsumsi protein, hal ini bertujuan untuk mempercepat proses turunnya berat badan.

Resiko yang ditimbulkan dari diet ini adalah timbulnya penyakit seperti: osteoporosis, gangguan ginjal, kekurangan energi, sembelit dan bau mulut.

2. Party Girl IV Drip Diet
Diet jenis ini merupakan salah satu diet yang cukup mahal yang ditawarkan oleh klinik swasta, bayangkan saja untuk sekali pertemuan Anda harus merogoh kocek sekitar empat juta rupiah. Diet jenis ini adalah dengan memberikan cocktail dosis tinggi yang berisikan vitamin dan nutrisi yang diberikan melalui tetesan seperti infus.

3. Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition Diet (KEN Diet)
Diet jenis ini merupakan diet yang cukup populer di kalangan artis dan model. KEN Diet merupakan diet tanpa mengkonsumsi makanan sama sekali, asupan makanan dikemas dalam formula cairan yang dimasukkan melalui hidung.

Diet jenis ini memaksa seseorang untuk selalu dekat dengan pompa portable dan tas cairan selama 10 hari. Tabung tersebut hanya bisa lepas selama 60 menit dalam waktu 24 jam. Efek negatif yang kerap terjadi dari KEN Diet adalah terjadinya beberapa penyakit kronis.

4. Six Weeks To OMG [Oh My God] Diet
Diet jenis ini adalah mengharuskan seseorang untuk melakukan olahraga pagi setelah meminum kopi hitam, kemudian ia tidak diperbolehkan mengkonsumsi makanan selama 3 jam sehingga tubuh akan membakar lemak yang menumpuk dalam tubuh. Kemudian mandi dengan menggunakan air dingin, menghindari buah, dan mengkonsumsi protein.

5. Alcorexia or Drunkorexia Diet
Diet jenis ini mendorong seseorang untuk menghindari kalori selama satu minggu penuh, kemudian diperbolehkan meminum alkohol di hari ketujuh. Alkohol difungsikan untuk menyimpan kalori dalam tubuh pada minggu berikutnya. Diet ini sangat berbahaya karena dapat mengakibatkan keracunan alkohol atau bahkan resiko kematian.

Well, jangan salah pilih program diet ya, pastikan untuk memilih program diet atau weight management yang sehat dan aman bagi kesehatan Anda. 

Ini Dia Tips Diet Sehat yang Asyik!

Tips Diet Sehat - Ada berbagai cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menurunkan berat badan, seperti mengatur pola makan, mengatur pola olah raga, dan melakukan program diet.

Hal terpenting yang harus kita pahami adalah pemahaman terhadap program diet  tersebut, apakah program diet tersebut cukup aman atau tidak untuk kesehatan Anda. 

Jika program diet tersebut aman untuk tubuh kita maka metabolisme yang terjadi juga akan baik atau dengan kata lain proses tubuh dalam membakar makanan yang dikonsumsi.

Seperti dilansir Indiatimes, Jumat (7/12), berikut ini beberapa tips asyik dan mudah untuk menurunkan berat badan yang bisa Anda lakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari:

Tertawa dapat menurunkan berat badan
1. Tertawa
Menurut penelitian tertawa riang sebanyak 100 kali setara dengan aktivitas berdayung selama 10 menit atau 15 menit bersepeda. Tertawa juga dapat mengurangi hormon stress.

2. Mandi air dingin
Mandi dapat meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh, mandi baik untuk sistem getah bening, mengaktifkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, dan lain-lain.

3. Makan Nanas
Nanas mengandung bromelan, yang membantu penyerapan nutrisi dan baik untuk sistem pencernaan. Selain itu, bromelan juga dapat membantu sel-sel pankreas dalam menghancurkan makanan.

4. Meminum Teh Hijau
Penelitian membuktikan bahwa catechin yang tergandung dalam teh dapat meningkatkan metabolisme dan dapat mengurangi indeks massa tubuh, selain itu teh hijau juga ampuh menurunkan kolesterol jahat.

5. Makan Pedas
Memakan cabai ternyata dapat meningkatkan metabolisme. Penelitian membuktikan bahwa capsaicin  yang dihasilkan oleh makanan pedas dapat mengoksidasi lapisan lemak dan membakar banyak kalori. Namun jangan terlalu banyak makan pedas ya, karena jika makan pedas berlebih akan berdampak negatif untuk lambung dan pencernaan Anda. Selamat mencoba!


Are Fruits and Vegetables Less Nutritious Today?

The Right Approach - When it comes to getting enough nutrients in your diet, one bit of information is pretty clear-cut: Everybody should be eating an abundance of different fruits and vegetables every day. Yet according to research, fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than they used to be say 50 years ago. The reason?

A number of studies have explored the phenomenon of declining nutrients in fruits and vegetables, but the one that garnered the most media attention was led by Donald R. Davis, PhD, at the University of Texas in Austin, and was published in HortScience. Among Davis’s findings, one of the most consistent was that a higher yield of crops — in other words, more crops grown in a given space — almost always resulted in lower nutrient levels in the fruits and vegetables. What’s more, the median mineral declines among a variety of fruits and vegetables could be fairly significant, ranging from 5 to 40 percent, with similar declines in vitamins and protein levels.

Higher yield is one reason behind the decline, but several nutrition experts say it's not the only one. “The soil itself has been over-harvested, meaning that over years of use and turnover of soil, it becomes depleted in nutrition,” says Michael Wald, MD, an integrated medicine specialist in Mount Kisco, N.Y. “All crops growing upon depleted soil must therefore be depleted in nutritional content.”

Cherie Calbom, MS, a clinical nutritionist and author of The Juice Lady's Living Foods Revolution, sees it as a bigger problem that extends to many aspects of modern farming. “Our poor farming practices are leading to sick plants, depleted soil, and a need to use higher and higher doses of pesticides and herbicides to ward off what healthy plants would naturally ward off,” she says. “We are heading toward a dust bowl in many parts of the country if nothing changes.”

Despite these concerns, Janet Brill, PhD, RD, a nutritionist and author of Cholesterol Down, it’s still critically important to eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables, and these developments shouldn’t discourage you from doing just that. “People should be concerned about one area of fruits and vegetables and one area only: to eat lots more of them each day, cooked and raw,” she says. “After we have solved that problem [of consumption], then we can move on to any nutrition concerns about growing them.”

5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Fruits and Veggies

There are still many steps you can take to ensure a healthy nutrient punch every time you include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Go with locally grown. The key to getting more nutrients is eating food that spends less time traveling from the field to your table. The way to accomplish that goal is with locally grown produce, either from your own garden or from a local farmer’s market. “Buy fresh, whole, and locally grown seasonal produce,” Brill suggests. “Try to purchase produce with the least amount of time from farm to table, as vitamins and minerals are lost over time as well as with cooking and handling.”

Choose frozen. Your natural instinct when eating produce is to think that fresh is always better than frozen. But Brill says that this isn’t necessarily the case. “Sometimes the veggies frozen right after harvest have retained more nutrients than those ‘fresh’ veggies that have taken forever to get to your plate,” she explains.

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Big, shiny fruits and vegetables sure look good and grab your attention in the supermarket, but just because they’re beautiful doesn’t mean they’re better for you. For example, organic apples may be smaller and not quite as pretty, but their pesticide levels are likely to be lower.

Keep them rough. When it comes time to prepare those fruits and vegetables for eating, bigger, rougher pieces of produce may have the nutritional edge over finely chopped and sliced options. “Keep chopping to a minimum,” Brill advises. “The greater the exposure of the fruit or vegetable to air, the greater the loss of nutrients.”

Minimize cooking time. Though there are some exceptions (the lycopene in tomatoes, for example), the less most fruits and vegetables are cooked, the more nutrients they retain. So eat your fruits and vegetables raw whenever possible. When you do cook them, keep the cooking time to a minimum and avoid too much contact with water. “Cooking methods that are quick, with a minimum amount of liquid, will help to preserve nutrients,” Brill says. “Steaming, blanching, and stir-frying are all great ways to cook vegetables quickly and retain valuable nutrients. Keep veggies crisp — never overcook or boil in water until soggy.”

It may take a bit more effort to find fruits and vegetables as nutrient-rich as they were 50 years ago, but with more local farm stands cropping up, seasonal choices are getting easier to find and are certainly more delicious.


Konsultasi Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

For more information about 
Diet Program & The Right Approach, 
please contact:

Name: Ms. Ewik
Phone: (+62) 8121187117 

Tips diet sehat

TRA Transformation Testimonials

The Right Approach Transformation Testimonials:

The Right Approach

"I cycle a lot. I cycle 200km to Bukit Kayu Hitam, non-stop! But I couldn't understand why my visceral fat was so high! As a doctor, I had to be healthy. I took up the challenge and amazingly, I dropped my visceral fat! Because it worked for me, I help others as well. I'm very happy to have recommended to my father in law (Mr. Chow, below). He now has a clean bill of health! ...btw, he cycles faster than I do now!!" - Dr. Ang, GP, Penang.

The Right Approach

"I was very stubborn... until I collapsed while riding my bicycle and landed in the ICU did I realize I had to pay more attention to my health. Cycling helped, but it didn't reduce the dangerous fat. After TRA, my life changed. I didn't have dreams before, now I dream of cycling to China with my son in law, Dr. Ang! If I can do it, you can too!" - Mr. Chow, 60's.

The Right Approach

"Before, I felt scared, my health was at risk! High BP & Cholesterol... Now, I am no longer scared. In fact, I'm more confident and I can catch up with my kid! I definitely look younger and fitter! 11kg! And I can still eat and enjoy my meals, Amazing!!" - Shahdan, Engineering Manager.

The Right Approach

"From L to S and then to XS! And the best thing! Its ALREADY 3 YEARS!!! I love it!" - Corine Chew.

The Right Approach

Dr. Herah, a diabetic and borderline hypertension patient herself was amazed that by losing fat with TRA, she was able to half her dosage of her diabetic medicine after 6 weeks into the program and completely stop her diabetic medicine after 12 weeks. She feels healthier, more confident and renewed! :) Congratulations, Dr. Herah!

The Right Approach

From 116kg! Mr. Wong, an Orthopedic Surgeon in SJ, is now slimmer, healthier and definitely more handsome!

"I'm actually a bad student, I didn't follow very well. But yet, I was able to transform! The best thing, I can now wear an M Size!!! After the program I lost another 2kg of fat!" 

The Right Approach
This is one of the most common troubles faced by woman. Poh Choo found a way to get rid of her tummy! And she is now 11 years younger! You can too. Just ask to found out how.

The Right Approach

"For 2mths, I tried to lose weight my way, I played golf (almost everyday), I exercised and ate healthily, but when I re-measured, I only lost 100grams! My Fat%, Muscle% and more importantly Visceral Fat (Dangerous Fat) didn't change at all. After reviewing the science and checking with my pharmacist friends, I joined the class. Amazingly, after only 2mths, I lost 7kg and my Hypertension went back to Normal! In fact, I was actually told by the doctor, I would have to be on Hypertension medication for life (!). After 12weeks when the program ended, I lost 10kgs; of which 8kg was fat. I continued eat according to the 3333 rule and I lost another 3kgs! TRA has really transformed my life! Now, my children also eat like me too!"

The Right Approach
Dr. Israfil Merican transformed. "There will be 2.37M diabetics in Malaysia by 2020. This is very alarming. We need to show by our example so that we can help more people. I see patients everyday with diabetic and it hurts to see them suffer. So, I did TRA and I'm so amazed by the results. I have been exercising for so long and even ride the bicycle to hospital, but it doesn't work. TRA really works!"

The Right Approach
"Now, I look even better! Even younger! And when I advise my patients to improve their health, I am a good example of it!" :)

The Right Approach

From 132kg to 126kg in 11weeks. The important part of his result is that he grew muscle (FYI: muscle weighs more than fat). Note that fat is 4 times the volume of muscle (which is more dense) and this is why you can see the drastic reduction in body shape and muscle tone.

An interesting fact, he is eating more than he ate before and he is continuously building muscle and losing fat.

The Right Approach
"I've have already given up on losing weight! I tried so many ways but all bounced back... I'm so thankful to Su Yin, who introduce me TRA!"

"Hi! I'm back! And it's been a year! I've lost total 25kg! All I do it keep with the 3333 diet. Simple! You can do it! Remember, I gave up on losing weight before and now...TA DA!!!"

The Right Approach

"I actually grew taller after the TRA program! (LOL) For me, this is an amazing opportunity to help more people live healthier and more productive." - Jack Kerk, GM of a listed textile company

The Right Approach
"I can't imagine that in a short 12 weeks, I can transform. The product really works and I really feel good and healthy. Especially now that my Visceral Fat is lower by 30%!" - Tan Chin Hui, VP of Finance of a public listed company

The Right Approach

"12 years younger! V shape body! What else can you ask for? But most importantly, it is the health improvement and visceral fat reduction. My blood pressure from 138/95 came down to 126/82. I'm very happy!" - Tan WeiNeng, Financial Controller of a public listed company.

Over 100 doctors have loss weight with TRA!
These are some of their comments:

“Initially I had too much fat that my doctor couldn’t operate on me. I had colon cancer. With TRA & Pharmanex products, in 4 mths I lost 22kg of weight and 8.9kg of fat, I was strong and healthy enough to undergo this critical surgery. After the surgery, for people my age, they would need at least 3-4 days in ICU, but, amazingly I was there for only 12 hours! I feel GREAT! Now, I want to share TRA with more people, because I know Pharmanex can help them.” Dato’ Sheikh Mustapha

The Right Approach
"Now I have a flat tummy! And I'm 6years Younger! The important thing is that I now have a healthy eating habit and I actually eat more than I do before, but I still lose fat. I want to share TRA with more people!"

The Right Approach
"X size pants, L size tops... to XS pants to S tops! Simply amazing! ... just look at the fat, nobody wants to carry that for 10-20years, right? Not me! I love to look younger, feel younger and stay younger!"

The Right Approach

"Even after the program finished, I just continued to follow the simple eating habit, have 3 balanced meals a day and I'm now 66kg!" - Hooi Ling

The Right Approach

"Even when I thought I was thin, I had amazingly high Visceral Fat! But through TRA, I was able to reduce it and the best thing is, my HB1C (blood sugar) is now normal! I'm no longer a diabetic (after 7 years)."

The Right Approach
"I have to thank BeeYoke, a friend (and Food Technologist) for showing I had so much Visceral Fat (12)! Now, my body age is 39! I grew younger by 10 years! I love it!"

The Right Approach
Used to take High Blood Pressure medicine since 6yrs old. Now no more! Doesn't she look great?

The Right Approach
"Ever since my father's skin problem due to high blood sugar improved, I tried TRA and I couldn't imagine that I could lose my belly too and feel so much healthier!" - Cheng, factory owner.

The Right Approach
"I Thought that only Movie Stars can have body shapes like this! Now everyone can too!"

The Right Approach
"If I can do it, I can help more people too! I can understand how they feel..."

The Right Approach
"I was never really fat, but I can now look and feel so much better!"

The Right Approach
"12 months of hard work and exercise and still I could only get to this result (See Red Square), but with TRA, only 12 weeks to see 8 Packs!!!"

The Right Approach

The Right Approach

The Right Approach

The Right Approach
The Right Approach

The Right Approach

The Right Approach
The Right Approach

The Right Approach
The Right Approach
The Right Approach