Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - The Right Approach

Tips diet sehat adalah blog yang berisikan tips dan artikel tentang program diet sehat - the right approach.

Obesity and Overweight

World Health Organization: WHO


Globally, there are more than 1 billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese.
Obesity and overweight pose a major risk for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer.
The key causes are increased consumption of energy-dense foods high in saturated fats and sugars, and reduced physical activity.
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults overweight – at least 300 million of them clinically obese – and is a major contributor to the global burden of chronic disease and disability. Often coexisting in developing countries with under-nutrition, obesity is a complex condition, with serious social and psychological dimensions, affecting virtually all ages and socioeconomic groups.

Increased consumption of more energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods with high levels of sugar and saturated fats, combined with reduced physical activity, have led to obesity rates that have risen three-fold or more since 1980 in some areas of North America, the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, Australasia and China.The obesity epidemic is not restricted to industrialized societies; this increase is often faster in developing countries than in the developed world.

Obesity and overweight pose a major risk for serious diet-related chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer. The health consequences range from increased risk of premature death, to serious chronic conditions that reduce the overall quality of life. Of especial concern is the increasing incidence of child obesity.

Why is this happening?

The rising epidemic reflects the profound changes in society and in behavioural patterns of communities over recent decades. While genes are important in determining a person’s susceptibility to weight gain, energy balance is determined by calorie intake and physical activity. Thus societal changes and worldwide nutrition transition are driving the obesity epidemic. Economic growth, modernization, urbanization and globalization of food markets are just some of the forces thought to underlie the epidemic.

As incomes rise and populations become more urban, diets high in complex arbohydrates give way to more varied diets with a higher proportion of fats, saturated fats and sugars. At the same time, large shifts towards less physically demanding work have been observed worldwide. Moves towards less physical activity are also found in the increasing use of automated transport, technology in the home, and more passive leisure pursuits.

How do we define obesity and overweight?

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is commonly assessed by using body mass index (BMI), defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2 ). A BMI over 25 kg/m2 is defined as overweight, and a BMI of over 30 kg/m2 as obese. These markers provide common benchmarks for assessment, but the risks of disease in all populations can increase progressively from lower BMI levels.

Adult mean BMI levels of 22-23 kg/m2 are found in Africa and Asia, while levels of 25-27 kg/m2 are prevalent across North America, Europe, and in some Latin American, North African and Pacific Island countries. BMI increases amongst middle-aged elderly people, who are at the greatest risk of health complications. In countries undergoing nutrition transition, overnutrition often co-exists with undernutrition. People with a BMI below 18.5 kg/m2 tend to be underweight.

The distribution of BMI is shifting upwards in many populations. And recent studies have shown that people who were undernourished in early life and then become obese in adulthood, tend to develop conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes at an earlier age and in more severe form than those who were never undernourished.

The extent of the problem

Currently more than 1 billion adults are overweight – and at least 300 million of them are clinically obese. Current obesity levels range from below 5% in China, Japan and certain African nations, to over 75% in urban Samoa. But even in relatively low prevalence countries like China, rates are almost 20% in some cities.

Childhood obesity is already epidemic in some areas and on the rise in others. An estimated 22 million children under five are estimated to be overweight worldwide. According to the US Surgeon General, in the USA the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight adolescents has trebled since 1980. The prevalence of obese children aged 6-to-11 years has more than doubled since the 1960s. Obesity prevalence in youths aged 12-17 has increased dramatically from 5% to 13% in boys and from 5% to 9% in girls between 1966-70 and 1988-91 in the USA. The problem is global and increasingly extends into the developing world; for example, in Thailand the prevalence of obesity in 5-to-12 year olds children rose from12.2% to 15-6% in just two years.

Obesity accounts for 2-6% of total health care costs in several developed countries; some estimates put the figure as high as 7%. The true costs are undoubtedly much greater as not all obesity-related conditions are included in the calculations.

How does excess body fat impact health?

Overweight and obesity lead to adverse metabolic effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. Some confusion of the consequences of obesity arise because researchers have used different BMI cut-offs, and because the presence of many medical conditions involved in the development of obesity may confuse the effects of obesity itself.

The non-fatal, but debilitating health problems associated with obesity include respiratory difficulties, chronic musculoskeletal problems, skin problems and infertility. The more life-threatening problems fall into four main areas: CVD problems; conditions associated with insulin resistance such as type 2 diabetes; certain types of cancers, especially the hormonally related and large-bowel cancers; and gallbladder disease.

The likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes and hypertension rises steeply with increasing body fatness. Confined to older adults for most of the 20th century, this disease now affects obese children even before puberty. Approximately 85% of people with diabetes are type 2, and of these, 90% are obese or overweight. And this is increasingly becoming a developing world problem. In 1995, the Emerging Market Economies had the highest number of diabetics. If current trends continue, India and the Middle Eastern crescent will have taken over by 2025.Large increases would also be observed in China, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the rest of Asia.

Raised BMI also increases the risks of cancer of the breast, colon, prostrate, endometroium, kidney and gallbladder. Chronic overweight and obesity contribute significantly to osteoarthritis, a major cause of disability in adults. Although obesity should be considered a disease in its own right, it is also one of the key risk factors for other chronic diseases together with smoking, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. In the analyses carried out for World Health Report 2002, approximately 58% of diabetes and 21% of ischaemic heart disease and 8-42% of certain cancers globally were attributable to a BMI above 21 kg/m2.

What can we do about it?

Effective weight management for individuals and groups at risk of developing obesity involves a range of long-term strategies. These include prevention, weight maintenance, management of co-morbidities and weight loss. They should be part of an integrated, multi-sectoral, population-based approach, which includes environmental support for healthy diets and regular physical activity. Key elements include:

Creating supportive population-based environments through public policies that promote the availability and accessibility of a variety of low-fat, high-fibre foods, and that provide opportunities for physical activity.
Promoting healthy behaviours to encourage, motivate and enable individuals to lose weight by: – eating more fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts and whole grains;
- engaging in daily moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes;
- cutting the amount of fatty, sugary foods in the diet;
- moving from saturated animal-based fats to unsaturated vegetable-oil based fats.
Mounting a clinical response to the existing burden of obesity and associated conditions through clinical programmes and staff training to ensure effective support for those affected to lose weight or avoid further weight gain.


Healthy Weight

Understanding the Energy Equation

Whether you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to understand the connection between the energy your body takes in (through the foods you eat and the beverages you drink) and the energy your body uses (through the activities you do). To lose weight, you need to use more calories than you take in. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to balance the calories you use with those you take in

Want to find out if you are at a healthy weight? Use our Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.

Getting the Most Nutrition out of Your Calories
There is a right number of calories for you to eat each day. This number depends on your age, activity level, and whether you are trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight. You could use up the entire amount on a few high-calorie foods, but chances are, you won’t get the full range of vitamins and nutrients your body needs to be healthy.

Choose the most nutritionally rich foods you can from each food group each day – those packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients, but lower in calories. Pick foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products more often.

For more information about food choices and appropriate calories, visit the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 and

Finding Your Balance between Food and Physical Activity
Becoming a healthier you isn’t just about eating healthy – it’s also about physical activity. Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and fitness. It also helps you control body weight by balancing the calories you take in as food with the calories you expend each day.

  • Be physically active, at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
  • Increasing the intensity or the amount of time that you are physically active can have even greater health benefits and may be needed to control body weight. About 60 minutes a day may be needed to prevent weight gain.
  • Children and teenagers should be physically active 60 minutes every day, or most every day. Whether you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to understand the connection between the energy your body takes in (through the foods you eat and the beverages you drink) and the energy your body uses (through the activities you do).

Timbangan Kalori - The Right Approach

Energy Balance is like a scale. To remain in balance, the calories consumed (from foods) must be balanced by the calories used (in physical activity). To lose weight, you need to use more calories than you take in. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to balance the calories you use with those you take in. No matter which results you want, eating a healthy diet and being physically active can help you reach your goal.

Be sure to visit our Physical Activity for Everyone section for ideas.

For more information about calories expended in common physical activities see Table 4. Calories/Hour Expended in Common Physical Activities from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005.

Some of this information was adapted from the following source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. 6th Edition, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, January 2005. and Finding Your Way to a Healthier You: Based on Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


TRA Weight Management Guarantee Class

The Right Approach - We’ve just concluded another 8-Week TRA Weight Management Guarantee Class! It was fantastic!

All our participants lost an average of 5 kg to 15 kg within 3 months! And they did this while making friends and having lots of fun at the same time.

There is really no better way to lose those extra kilos than TRA: The Right Approach!

The TRA advantage
NO SIDE EFFECTS (Guaranteed)
HEALTHIER After Weight Loss

Don’t wait anymore! You can have the healthy slim body you deserve!

Call us for a FREE preview of our TRA Weight Management Guarantee Class !

Your TRA Consultant:
Name: Ms. Ewik
Phone: (+62) 8121187117

TRA - The Right Approach

The Right Approach

This is an important slide to understand. We gain weight and find it hard to keep it off, because of these 6 key factors.
1) Our foods we eat have too much FAT (Trans Fat)
2) Our body's Glucose Metabolism is too low, so it triggers our mind to want to eat sweet, cakes etc. So it is NOT your fault that you can't control yourself. We can change that!
3) We live in a stressful society. Stress releases cortisol. Cortisol converts to sugars (to be usesd for energy to releive the stress; which we don't use). Unused Sugars become Fat and is stored in our body.
4) Unhealthy diets that cause both fat and muscle to be depleted. When muscle is low, it can't burn calories, therefore we gain even more fat! Thus creating yo-yo effects.
5) If we are fat, we already have too much fat and too little muscle. So no muscle to burn fat & calories.
6) As we age, our body metabolism is lower, however, as we continue to eat the same diet, we start to gain more fat (since our body can't process it like it did when you were in your 20's).

Since there are no muscles in the 'middle' of your body, it is EXTREMELY difficult to reduce. And this is the LEADING cause of Cardiovasculat Disease, Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressue. Find out your Visceral Fat pecentage TODAY!

This is how Excessive Fat effects your Liver (Fatty Liver) and surrounds your Kidney (Yellow layers). Do you know now, how very important it is to reduce Visceral Fat?

Backed by 150 Scientists at Pharmanex and working with over 250 Scientists in 38 Universities, Pharmanex is Unprecedented in its Science and Innovation.

Over 30 Doctors have gone through the TRA program and have recommended their friends to lose weight with this Safe, Healthy and habit forming program.

Pharmanex TRA's is CLEAR, SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE in SUSTAINING a healthy FATto MUSCLE ratio & Healthy Eating Habits that lasts a LIFETIME. Other programs in the market DO NOT FOCUS or provide an effective way to CHANGE unhealthy eat habits to HEALTHY HABITS, so YO YO Effects occurs!

Pharmanex focuses on SAFESCIENCE and SUSTAINABILITY!

Pharmanex TRA products have been CERTIFIED by the HEALTH SCIENCE AUTHORITY of SINGAPORE to be FREE from the above harmful ingredients so anyone can use it with SAFELY with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Great News! The TRA Program is US Patented.

With the RIGHT PRODUCTS (Natural and Clinically Proven to be SAFE & EFFECTIVE), the RIGHT FOOD (Simple, Easy to Follow, No Starving & Enjoy your Food) and the RIGHT EXERCISE (No heavy strenuous Exercise needed, infact too much can be a negative impact to weight loss).

Have you every thought about this before? Well, as you see, if you want to lose 1kg of FAT; which is equal to 7700 kCal, you will need to run 35 HOURS!

Exercise is good for joints, blood circulation, general well being, however, to exercise to lose weight, it is highly inefficient, unless you combine it with a VERY disciplined diet. Typically after a good exercise, most will reward themselves with super or a meal; which negates the exercise in the 1st place!!!

By slowly adjusting your fat storage, carbo craving, sugar and fat metabolism, glucose regulations and stress control, this multi-faceted approach with the right nutrition (good food habits) and exercise (moderate), you will lose between 6-12kg in 90days!

Ms. Ewik
Phone: (+62) 8121187117 

(Source: Nu Skin &

Mengikis Lemak di Perut dengan TRA

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - Saat lingkar perut Anda terus bertambah, tentu Anda akan merasa semakin tidak nyaman. Selain ruang gerak Anda akan semakin terbatas, rasa percaya diri Anda juga akan berkurang.

Kikis lemak di perut

Berbicara tentang lemak, pada dasarnya tubuh kita akan menyimpan kelebihan lemak dari asupan makanan dengan dua cara. Yang pertama adalah dengan menyimpan kelebihan lemak di bawah kulit kita. Yang paling sering adalah bagian paha, pinggul, bokong dan juga perut. Hal ini kemudian disebut dengan nama lemak subkutan (termasuk lemak di perut).

Lemak jens berikutnya atau yang kedua adalah lemak yang biasa disebut dengan lemak visceral. Lemak ini adalah lemak yang sangat berbahaya karena berada di sekitar organ-organ vita seperti saluran cerna, paru, jantung dan liver. lemak vicera ini terbentuk ketika seseorang berat badannya mulai bertambah. Saat lemak dalam tubuh berlebih, tubuh akan ‘mencari’ lokasi untuk tempat menyimpan lemak. Biasanya, tubuh akan memilih sekitar organ vital entah itu paru, jantung ataupun liver.

Lemak visceral yang berbahya ini lebih sering dijumpai pada orang yang suka minum alkohol. Namun seiring dengan meningkatnya penderita obesitas, jumlah orang yang mengalami perlemakan di bagian organ vital seperti liver pun akan semakin mudah dijumpai di kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Masalahnya adalah, saat jaringan lemak di bawah kulit sudah terisi, maka tubuh akan mengarahkan lemak menempati area-area di sekitar organ vital. Jadi, sebaiknya segera usir jaringan lemak di tubuh Anda terutama yang berada di area perut.

Kembali ke topi lemak di perut, banyak orang yang merakan bahwa lemak di bagian perut sangat menjengkelkan. Selain merusak penampilan, lemak perut juga dirasa sulit dihilangkan. Dan lagi, tak hanya orang yang mengalami kelebihan berat badan saja yang punya masalah dengan lemak di perut. Orang yang berat bdannya normal pun juga sering ‘dihantui’ lemak di bagian perut ini.

Salah satu cara untuk tahu apakah kita kelebihan lemak di perut adalah dengan melakukan pengukuran perut. Cobalah mengukur lingkar pinggang Anda. Batas normal lingkar pinggang adalah maksimal 80 untuk seorang perempuan dan 90 cm untuk kaum pria. Jika lebih dari batas tersebut, brarti Anda kelebihan lemak di perut dan butuh tip untuk mengikis lemak tersebut. 

Nu Skin telah mengembangkan weight management program TRA (The Right Approach). Weight management program TRA benar-benar efektif dan aman bagi tubuh Anda. Istimewanya adalah, program ini hanya dilakukan dalam waktu tiga bulan, namun Anda akan mendapatkan bentuk tubuh ideal selamanya.

Untuk mendapatkan bimbingan mengenai program TRA, silahkan menghubungi:
Ms. Ewik
Phone: (+62) 8121187117 

(Source: dan TRA)

Bahaya Obesitas dan Cara Ampuh Menanganinya

Tips Diet Sehat Aman - Obesitas merupakan kelebihan berat badan yang diakibatkan oleh penimbunan lemak tubuh yang berlebihan.

Pria Obesitas

Obesitas ditentukan dengan melihat indeks massa tubuh (IBM), yang merupakan ukuran lemak tubuh. Memiliki IBM 30 atau lebih besar dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai obesitas. Menjadi obesitas membawa risiko kesehatan lainnya, termasuk penyakit jantung, diabetes, dan gangguan fungsi.

Penyebab obesitas diperoleh baik secara biologis ataupun medis. Faktor genetik, serta obat dan kondisi tertentu dapat menyebabkan kenaikan berat badan. Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa makan terlalu banyak dan gaya hidup juga faktor utama.

Namun setiap orang juga memerlukan sejumlah lemak tubuh untuk menyimpan energi, sebagai penyekat panas, penyerap guncangan dan fungsi lainnya. Rata-rata wanita memiliki lemak tubuh yang lebih banyak dibandingkan pria. Perbandingan yang normal antara lemak tubuh dengan berat badan adalah sekitar 25-30% pada wanita dan 18-23% pada pria. Wanita dengan lemak tubuh lebih dari 30% dan pria dengan lemak tubuh lebih dari 25% dianggap mengalami obesitas.

Seseorang yang memiliki berat badan 20% lebih tinggi dari nilai tengah kisaran berat badannya yang normal dianggap mengalami obesitas.

Obesitas digolongkan menjadi 3 kelompok:
  1. Obesitas ringan : kelebihan berat badan 20-40%
  2. Obesitas sedang : kelebihan berat badan 41-100%
  3. Obesitas berat : kelebihan berat badan >100% (Obesitas berat ditemukan sebanyak 5% dari antara orang-orang yang gemuk).
Berikut yang akan Anda alami jika Anda mengidap obesitas, seperti dilansir Healthcentral.
  • Jika Anda mengalami obesitas, lutut dan pinggul mengalami sampai tiga kali lebih banyak tekanan dalam setiap langkah.
  • Jika Anda mengalami obesitas, lutut dan pinggul mengalami hingga enam kali lebih banyak tekanan saat berjalan menuruni tangga.
  • Untuk setiap sepuluh pon kelebihan berat badan yang naik, risiko terkena osteoartritis meningkat sekitar 40%.
  • Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko untuk pengembangan rheumatoid dalam, pinggul lutut, tangan dan pergelangan kaki.
  • Pada wanita yang mampu menurunkan setidaknya 11 pon berat badannya, dapat menurunkan risiko artritis lebih dari 50%.
Setelah melihat bahaya dari obesitas, apakah Anda ingin melakukan menurunkan berat badan dengan program diet? Well, banyak program diet yang ditawarkan di pasaran, namun Anda harus jeli memilihnya, karena jika Anda salah memilih, bukan tubuh ramping dan sehat yang didapat, malah penyakit yang akan Anda dapat.

Banyak juga program diet yang berhasil hanya dalam waktu sementara. Setelah program diet berakhir, tubuh Anda akan kembali gemuk, bahkan terkadang lebih gemuk dari sebeluumnya.

Kami menyarankan agar Anda memilih program diet atau weight management program yang aman, seperti weight management program TRA (The Right Approach) dari Nu Skin. Program TRA sangat aman bagi tubuh Anda dan istimewanya adalah program ini dilakukan hanya sekali dalam seumur hidup, namun tubuh Anda akan tetap langsing selamanya.

Ingin mendapatkan penjelasan lebih mengenai weight management program TRA? Silahkan menghubungi weight management trainer kami: 
Ms. Ewik
Phone: (+62) 8121187117 

(Source: Healthcentral, Wikipedia, dan

The Right Approach - Weight Management Program

The Right Approach - Kegemukan pada perut atau obesitas sentral menandai resiko penyakit yang mengintai seseorang. Penyakit seperti jantung koroner, diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, dislipidemia (kolesterol tinggi) serta pembengkakan jantung sering kali diidap oleh pria dengan lingkar pinggang di atas 90 cm dan 80 cm untuk wanita.

Produk The Right Approach

Berbagai metode maupun program diet mengklaim memberikan hasil penurunan berat badan secara drastis dalam waktu singkat, namun hanya sedikit orang yang memahami resikonya bagi tubuh.

Ingin tahu mengapa Program Pengaturan Berat Badan TRA membuat Anda langsing selamanya??

Program TRA membantu Anda untuk mengubah gaya hidup.

  • TRA menerapkan pola makan sesuai dengan anjuran WHO. Kuncinya? Pilih karbohidrat yang rendah kalori dan mengandung lemak yang baik.
  • TRA menerapkan pendekatan dari berbagai aspek dengan fokus pada penurunan lemak.
  • Setelah Anda mencapai berat badan yang diinginkan, diharapkan massa otot akan naik dan pembakaran kalori meningkat. Dengan membaiknya metabolisme, berat badan tidak mudah naik lagi.

TRA Complex:
Diformulasi untuk membantu proses penurunan berat badan dari berbagai aspek. Dengan Prinsip 3 K + Kalsium (Kontrol Keinginan akan Karbohidrat. Kontrol penyimpanan lemak, Kontrol Stress, plus Kalsium). TRA Complex bebas stimulan serta aman dikonsumsi sesuai dosis yang dianjurkan.

Membentuk Tubuh lebih ramping dengan membantu membakar lemak. Sertai dengan olahraga untuk meningkatkan massa otot.

Mengandung ekstrak gandum yang dapat menurunkan penyerapan karbohidrat, serta ekstrak kaktus untuk menarik lemak yang baru dikonsumsi sehingga Anda dapat tetap makan tanpa rasa cemas.

Pengganti makanan dengan formula gizi seimbang. Mengandung protein dan kadar serat larut untuk meningkatkan metabolisme, membantu mengendalikan rasa lapar dan memperbaiki sistem pencernaan.

Anda ingin berkonsultasi mengenai Diet Program dan Weight Management Program? Silahkan menghubungi:

Ms. Ewik
Phone: 08121187117 

Manfaat TRA dan Galvanic Body Trio

The Right Approach  - Sudah mencoba berbagai macam produk penurun berat badan tapi belum ada yang berhasil? Cobalah produk yang satu ini,  hasilnya luar biasa lho...

Galvanic Body Trio

Ada tantangan dalam waktu 30 hari kita akan turun 4-6 kg dan tidak akan naik lagi. Kalau kita mampu selama 3 bulan mengikuti tata cara penggunaannya, maka kita bisa turun berat badan hingga ke berat badan yang semestinya sesuai tinggi badan kita dan usia kita. Jadi, TRA ini akan membuat kita kembali ke berat badan normal namun tidak lebih kurus dari yang semestinya.

Yang lebih hebatnya lagi, jika Anda mengkonsumsi TRA bersamaan dengan perawatan Galvanic Body Spa (Galvanic Body Trio), bisa membuat tubuh Anda lebih cepat shape dan tumpukan lemak dan selulit akan hilang selamanya. Dengan catatan anda tetap harus maintance dengan Galvanic Body Trio ini ya.

Alat canggih ini benar-benar pasangan yang sangat ideal untuk dijadikan andalan program penurunan berat badan.

Sudah banyak sekali yang merasakan manfaat dari rangkaian penurun berat badan ini.
Dengan melakukan program TRA bersamaan dengan menggunakan Galvanic Body Trio. Tubuh Anda akan menjadi ideal, bahkan bagi Anda yang sudah berusia paruh baya, tubuh Anda akan terlihat seperti gadis kembali.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi:
Ms. Ewik
Phone: (+62) 8121187117